Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Are You Getting the Best Rates?

There are so many things to worry about in life that thinking about processing rates may fall off your radar.  My job is to worry about that for you.  I look at all of your options and find the best rate for you and your business.  But, to give you peace of mind - and one less thing to worry about - there are some tips to make sure you qualify for and are receiving the best possible processing rates.

Seven Best Practices to Ensure You Qualify for the Best Possible Processing Rate
  • Always swipe the card in any scenario you can.
  • Always enter the billing zip code when keying in a card.
  • Always enter the CVV (3 or 4 digit) security number on the front or back of the card.
  • If your credit card machine or software prompts you for 'tax amount', always enter something.
  • If your credit card machine or software has other fields available (this generally only happens when accepting corporate or purchasing cards - or level III data) such as invoice number, purchase number, tax rate, duty amount, freight amount, ship from zip code, ship to address, etc., it is most beneficial to you and your business to enter SOMETHING in these fields.  What you can and should enter is based on the software you use.  If you have any questions, I'm always happy to help.
  • When your terminal or software asks for information - no matter the type - NEVER skip it.  Filling in all fields only helps you qualify for the best available rate.
  • At the end of the day, always settle your transactions!  "Closing your batch" will help document and track your purchases and will lend you a leg up when applying for purchasing rates.
If you have any questions or comments, I welcome your feedback.  If there is a topic you would like to see addressed in a future blog, feel free to reach out to me.

Happy Processing!

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM

Toll Free: 1.855.424.6736 x. 116
zach.allen@chosenpayments.com  |  www.ChosenPayments.com 
www.facebook.com/ChosenPayments  |  Twitter: @ChosenPayments 

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