Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Small Business Saturday – Are You Prepared?

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner and just two days after that, we celebrate Small Business Saturday.  American Express, the sponsor and founder of the day and the associated “shop small” initiative hopes that your small business is ready to seize the day.  If you’re not sure if you are ready to handle the purchasing and payment processing, give us a call!

American Express founded Small Business Saturday in 2010 to encourage consumers to support their local small businesses and to help those small businesses promote themselves in their communities.  In 2013 Small Business Saturday spending reached $14 billion and was topped in 2014 with an estimated $14.3 billion in spending from more than 88 million consumers.

So, are you ready?

Big Change for Small Business Saturday 2015
While there are impressive growth statistics since its inception, it remains to be seen whether Small Business Saturday will be as successful in 2015. One reason is because American Express has made a major change in the way it is promoting the event. 

In previous years, AE cardholders could register their accounts to receive statement credits for making a purchase at a participating small business.  That promotion has been discontinued this year; and while AE is devoting additional resources to promoting Small Business Saturday, and to providing advertising and marketing assistance to small businesses (particularly those who accept AMEX cards for payment), the loss of the statement credit may dampen enthusiasm for shopping small.

Are you ready?

How to get your business ready:
  • Put up marketing materials. American Express offers a suite of free marketing materials, but hurry. You need to request them by Nov. 16. You’ll find the list of goodies at (under “Promote Your Business”)
  • Plan an event in your business. Own a gym, restaurant, spa, kitchen or crafts store? Plan a special class or event to attract customers. Shoppers will not only come, they’ll stay longer, too.
  • Sell online? Get your website ready, too. Drive traffic with special offers, create a landing page of the day, and get active on social media. (If you need help with online payment processing, we can help!)
Keep customers coming back:
  • Build your mailing list by asking customers to share their contact info so you can stay in touch year ‘round.
  • Engage on social media and keep the momentum going through the holidays and beyond.
  • Offer deals for 2016. In November and December, offer discounts for products or services to be used after January.

Small businesses have enough to worry about.  Payment processing shouldn’t be one of them.  As you and your business gear up for Small Business Saturday, make sure you have all the systems in place to make any transactions smooth ones.  If you need help, call us!
1.855.424.6736 x. 116

If you have questions about Small Business Saturday or have a topic you would like to see addressed in this blog, we’d love to hear from you!

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM
Toll Free: 1.855.424.6736 x. 116  |  |  Twitter: @ChosenPayments

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Consumer Guide to EMV

Breaking Down EMV for Consumers

The United States may be one the last developed countries to migrate to an EMV-based payments infrastructure, with a card network-imposed liability shift going into effect on October 1.  However, a recent MasterCard survey says that 57 percent of American consumers are excited for the change and are anxiously awaiting their EMV chip cards to come in the mail.  The recent data breaches in the news have undoubtedly contributed to the anxiety. 

The payment processing industry is excited too.  Not just about launching a new product, but about the safety and security that comes with it.  But while the payment processing industry is making major strides in protecting consumers and merchants, cyber-criminals have become more sophisticated, frequently accessing sensitive payment information. So, what can consumers and merchants to combat these cyber-criminals?  First, you have to understand EMV and the benefits of this technology.

Below is a compilation of frequently asked questions, so that our customer’s customers understand EMV and the impending change.

What is a chip card?

A chip card is a plastic credit or debit card with a metallic, embedded microchip that can be used on chip-enabled POS (point-of-sale) terminals. In addition to a small computer chip, a magnetic stripe can also be found inside the card.
What is EMV?

EMV is short for Europay, MasterCard and Visa- the credit card companies that developed smart card technology. This payment system is the international standard for secure inter-operation of chip cards. Regulations help authenticate credit and debit card transactions made on POS terminals and ATMs.

How does using an EMV chip card keep me safe?

EMV chip cards keep consumers safe by generating a unique transaction code every time a payment is made. If a hacker steals your financial data through an unsecure POS terminal, he or she will not be able to use the card without producing a one-time code. Because of this, EMV technology is not designed to proactively ward off security attacks. Instead, the release of upgraded chip cards makes it incredibly difficult for criminals to steal personal payments information. In countries where EMV compliance is widespread, fraudulent credit card activities have dropped considerably.

Where can I use my chip card?

Chip cards are becoming the standard for merchants and businesses in the US. Establishments with a chip-enabled POS terminal can accept EMV credit or debit cards. It is important to take note that chip cards will still work on magnetic stripe POS terminals. For stores that do not accept chip and PIN payments, you will need to confirm your purchase through the traditional signature process.

How do I use an EMV card for in-store purchases?

Chip cards are easy to use compared to current card-swiping protocols. During a transaction, individuals are required to insert the smart card directly into the terminal. This process is also known as ‘card dipping‘. The action is much easier to master than a smooth swipe, and less effort is needed. Card dipping increases the chances of a successful reading due to direct contact between the chip and the POS terminal.

What will happen after the October 1, 2015 deadline passes?

All merchants in the U.S. must comply with the latest EMV standards by October 1, 2015. However, this doesn’t mean that most businesses will be equipped with chip card readers. Investing in a new POS system is costly and many merchants are holding out until the last possible second to make the switch.

It’s going to be extremely hectic and busy from now until the October deadline.  We, at Chosen Payments would recommend you replace your old cards with the new chip cards as soon as possible to ensure a smooth transition.

If you would like more information on EMV or if you have a topic you would like to see addressed in a future blog, contact us!

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM
Toll Free: 1.855.424.6736 x. 116  |  |  Twitter: @ChosenPayments

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What to do when you’re a victim of a data breach

At Chosen Payments, we care about the businesses we serve, but we also care about their clients and customers as well.  With data breaches, computer hacking and credit card fraud prevalent in the news. We wanted to make sure our customers’ customers are as protected as can be.  If an online company with which you have an account has been hacked or you have received a notice informing you that your personal information, or your credit-card number, was stolen in a data breach – would you know what to do?
If you’re personal information has been compromised, you're definitely not alone. In the past few years, dozens of companies, including Target, Home Depot, Neiman Marcus, Michael's Stores, LinkedIn and the giant health insurer Anthem have suffered data breaches that compromised tens of millions of accounts and payment-card numbers.

If you're among the millions of consumers whose sensitive information may have been exposed in a data breach, here's what to do to minimize your chances of becoming the victim of identity theft or credit-card fraud.

1. Determine what was stolen.

You'll need to pin down exactly what kind of information was lost in the data breach. Sensitive information falls into three general categories:

Least sensitive: Names and street addresses. Such information was pretty harmless when it was printed in the phone book. Today, a name typed into a search engine can yield data useful to online marketers and nosy neighbors, but probably not enough to cause serious trouble.

More sensitive: Email addresses, dates of birth and payment-card account numbers. (Payment cards include debit cards, credit cards and charge cards like an American Express card.)

A stolen email address may result in increased spam; a stolen credit card will often result in fraudulent charges, but the card holder is generally protected from liability (see below). A date of birth by itself is useless, but when combined with a name, it's more valuable than an address, because it never changes and is often used to verify identity.

Most sensitive: Social Security numbers or (in Canada) Social Insurance Numbers, online-account passwords, financial-account numbers and payment-card security codes (the three- or four-digit number printed on the front or back of payment cards).

An online-account password, combined with an email address, can be used to hijack online accounts. A card security code lets a thief use a stolen card number for online and telephone shopping. A bank account number lets snoops track your financial history and even move money into (but probably not out of) an account.

The company that suffered the breach may tell you that even though email passwords or credit-card numbers were stolen, those items were encrypted and hence "safe." Don't take their word for it — hackers and cybercriminals can "crack" many forms of encryption. If your password was less than 10 characters long or used words that can be found in the dictionary, consider it stolen.

Possibly the worst piece of personal information to have stolen is your Social Security or Social Insurance number. With that and your name, almost anyone can pose as you. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to replace an old Social Security or Social Insurance number with a new one. For more on what to do, read our primer on what to do if your Social Security number is stolen.

2. Change all affected passwords.

If an online account has been compromised, change the password on that account right away. If you used the same password for any other accounts, change those as well, and make up a new, strong password for each and every account.

Don't reuse the password for a second account. That way, you'll be limiting the damage next time there's a data breach, and you won't have to go through this process again.

If creating and remembering all those new passwords is difficult, use a password manager to handle it all for you. With a password manager, you'll need to remember only one password; the software will take care of the rest. The downside is that if the "master password" is compromised, all your accounts will be as well.

3. Contact relevant financial institutions.

If a payment-card number has been stolen, contact the bank or organization that issued the card — immediately. (Most credit cards have toll-free customer-service numbers printed on the back.) Make sure you speak to a live human representative. Explain that your account is at risk of fraud, and ask the card issuer to alert you if it detects suspicious activity on your account. The bank will almost certainly cancel the card and issue you a new one straight away.

Professional credit-card thieves often try to "bust out" stolen card numbers with many purchases in a matter of hours, often on weekends when banks are not fully staffed, before the banks can cut off the card. Nevertheless, federal rules limit the customer's liability for fraud. If you alert the banks or card issuers before any fraudulent transactions take place, you're covered.

Debit cards have much less protection if fraudulent charges are rung up before the bank is notified. To get the $50 limited liability, the customer has only two business days after learning of the fraud to tell the bank. After that, you may be liable for up to $500; if more than 60 days go by and you still haven't told the bank, you could be on the hook for the whole thing.

4. Contact the credit-reporting bureaus.

Contact the major consumer credit-reporting bureaus and ask each to place a fraud alert on your name. This way, if anyone tries to steal your financial identity — for example, by trying to open a credit-card account in your name — you'll know. (You'll also learn when anyone tries to look up your credit.)

Fraud alerts, also known as credit alerts, are free and can be renewed every 90 days. Once an alert is requested, the customer will get a free credit report.

You can also take a more drastic step of requesting a credit freeze, also known as a security freeze.
A credit freeze won't allow anyone to run a credit report on you, or open an account in your name, without your explicit authorization, so it's pretty solid protection. But it may cause unforeseen complications when you apply for new credit cards or a mortgage, or even switch cellular carriers or cable-TV companies.

5. Sign up for a credit- or identity-monitoring service.

Many services, both free and paid, will help monitor your financial accounts and sensitive personal information.  Contact Chosen Payments and we’ll be happy to refer a service to you.  Personally, I use Safe Id Trust and have found that both Tim and Mike to be very helpful and knowledgeable. It is important to know that starting a program like this is a lot more effective when used proactively.

Many large companies that suffer data breaches provide affected customers with one or two years of free identity protection. You should take advantage of the offer, but read the fine print for what kind of protection you'll get. A service that doesn't monitor financial accounts won't be of much help if your credit-card number, but not your personal information, was stolen.

What if your identity DOES get stolen?

All of the above steps are meant to make sure your identity doesn't get stolen.

If identity fraud does occur — if someone else indeed pretends to be you for any purpose — you'll need to file a report with your local police precinct as soon as possible. That may seem useless, but it's extremely important, as it will establish a legal basis with which you can dispute any future fraud.

Next, you'll need to file a formal report of identity theft with the federal government. You can do this online with the Federal Trade Commission. Like the police report, the government report will be essential in disputing and resolving future fraud.

You may also want to institute a credit freeze with the credit bureaus, as described above. You know the fraud is happening and need to stop it — the inconveniences resulting from a credit freeze may be worth the peace of mind.

In the worst cases, clearing your name can take years. Make sure you document each phone call made, and each email message and letter sent, during your efforts.

If you would like more information on the above information or if you have a topic you would like to see addressed in a future blog, contact us!

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM
Toll Free: 1.855.424.6736 x. 116  |  |  Twitter: @ChosenPayments

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

ACH – Not Just Another Acronym, But the Heart of Your Business

ACH – Not Just Another Acronym, But the Heart of Your Business

In the alphabet soup that floats the credit card processing industry, the initials ACH stand for
Automated Clearing House, a vast electronic network that connects banks, credit unions and all other
financial institutions. Initially introduced in the 1970s as an alternative to traditional check payments, today it is the secure system used by all issuing banks, merchant account providers, and third-party processors to process, clear and settle electronic fund transfers (EFT), including transferring funds from credit card transactions to a merchant’s direct deposit account.

The ACH network is governed by rules and regulations established by NACHA (previously known as the National Automated Clearing House Association) and the Federal Reserve. Both the government and the commercial sectors use ACH payments. Direct deposit payroll and vendor payments, consumer payments of insurance premiums, mortgage loans, check conversions, B2B payments and some local, state and federal tax transactions are all processed through ACH. Some businesses offer ACH online as a payment alternative to credit and debit cards.

ACH processes large volumes of credit and debit transactions in batches throughout the day in a store-and-forward system. This means transactions are accumulated throughout the day and remain in a sort of holding pattern until sorted by destination, cleared and transmitted in groups at specified times.

Entities that transmit or receive ACH entries do so through ACH operators — the American Clearing House Association, the Federal Reserve, the Electronic Payments Network, and Visa. As the sole public sector institution serving as a central clearing facility, the Federal Reserve handles the majority of ACH transactions, primarily retail transactions in low dollar amounts.

Think of ACH as an information super highway used by every financial institution in the country. Anything that slows down the system will impact on all users. Since all payment card transactions are settled using ACH, beware of a merchant account provider who claims that they can deposit funds into your bank account faster than another provider.

If you have merchant account-related questions, I’ll be happy to help.  At Chosen Payments, we have trained experts on hand to help! Take the time to educate yourself about merchant accounts and credit card processing.  The more you understand the many benefits, the better for your business!

To see a full list of our services, visit:  If you have questions about the services we provide or you have a topic you would like to see covered in my blog, feel free to reach out!

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM
Toll Free: 1.855.424.6736 x. 116  |  |  Twitter: @ChosenPayments

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Payment Processing Breaches: What Can You Do to Protect Your Information?

Payment Processing Breaches:  What Can You Do to Protect Your Information?

Credit-card fraudsters are everywhere these days, but when it comes to targeting victims, they have a special fondness for Americans.  Just look at the latest breaches that occurred at about 40 zoosService Systems Associates, a company that serves gift shops and eateries at zoos and cultural centers across the United States, acknowledged earlier this month that they incurred a breach of its credit and debit card processing systems.

Who will be next?  We’ve already heard about Target and Home Depot and in May, we discovered that there were significant issues at bars and restaurants across the country with their Point of Sale systems.  And now patrons of zoos across the United States are worried that their information has been compromised.  Why is this issue so prevalent and what can we do to protect ourselves?

Nearly half of all the credit card fraud around the world occurs in the US, even though America accounts for only about a quarter of the global card volume.

The increasing instances of credit-card fraud—and the subsequent hassles, like not being able to use our credit cards or having to replace them more often—are mostly due to the fact that the US still relies on old, faulty technology that the rest of the world moved on from years ago.

As I’ve noted in previous blogs, in the US, credit cards still transmit financial information through a magnetic stripe that is easy to replicate if stolen. Hackers also can remotely install malicious software onto checkout terminals at retail stores to capture credit-card numbers. The data gets transmitted to the cyber criminals, who then sell the information to the highest bidder.

These tactics don’t work as well in the rest of the world, where most credit cards are now embedded with little chips (often referred to as EMV, for Europay, MasterCard, and Visa) that are more secure because they randomly assign a number to each transaction that changes each time customers use their credit card. Users must also input a personal identification number to verify each purchase.

The technology is not totally bulletproof (paywall) and other problems exist that lead to credit card fraud. But it’s pretty telling that the adoption of EMV chip-and-pin technology in the UK, which began in 2003, has led to a 70% reduction in counterfeit fraud in the UK over the past decade.

The rest of Europe (which now has an 81% adoption rate of the new cards) and countries like Australia and Russia have followed suit. But the US, plagued by fierce battles between credit card companies and retailers, have been slow to adopt the chip-and-pin technology.

Naturally, fraudsters have focused their attention on the US, where it’s just easier to hack into retailers’ checkout terminals and steal millions of their customers’ personal information.

But, there is good news.

The US is finally joining the rest of the world in its move to chip and pin technology. By the end of this year, retailers will be required by credit card companies to have upgraded their checkout terminals to accept the new cards—or bear the liability for fraudulent card transactions.

But just about any retail checkout clerk in the US will tell you that most people aren’t using the new cards yet, which means fraudsters still have some time left before they’re going to lose easy pickings from the US.

So what can you do?  For breaches that happen at large retailers on a grander scale, your credit card company or a third party company in charge of payment processing are responsible and are insured to make sure you are protected.  But, what about a personal theft or credit card fraud?

Right now, credit card information is easy to obtain by hackers, making it easy for them to open a new line of credit.  So, protect yourself.

1. Protect Your Personal Information
2. Shred Everything
3. Use a Secured Mailbox
4. Have Your Bills Sent to You Electronically
5. Pay Your Bills Electronically
6. Create Strong Passwords and Keep Them Safe
7. Protect Your PIN numbers
8. Watch What You Say on Your Cell Phone
9. Check Your Credit History and Score Regularly
10. Take Action

Remember, you can take action to protect yourself from identity theft and credit card theft by using the tips above. You may think you have better or more important things to do than stay on top of your personal information, but taking the time to protect yourself will save you time and money in the future. And you can go to bed at night feeling more secure – physically and financially.

If you have questions about the services Chosen Payments provides or you have a topic you would like to see covered in my blog, feel free to reach out! 

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM
Toll Free: 1.855.424.6736 x. 116  |  |  Twitter: @ChosenPayments

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Let me take a SELFIE! ;)

Can a Selfie Better Protect Your Money?

With usernames and passwords needed for just about everything, it’s easy to get confused as to which password goes to what.  And since it is highly recommended to change passwords frequently for security purposes, your brain can go into overload.  But never fear, MasterCard may have found a solution.  Forgot your password? MasterCard will soon be accepting another form of verification: Your face.

Under a pilot program beginning in the fall, the credit card giant will allow customers to snap a selfie to verify their identities with facial scan technology.

MC is experimenting with a smartphone app which allows people to confirm their identity and authenticate online transactions via a facial scan.

Users will have to download the MasterCard phone app and at checkout they will be asked to hold up their phone to stare and blink at it.

Currently, users can set up something called "SecureCode," which requires a password when shopping online.  However, as mentioned before, passwords can be forgotten, stolen, or intercepted.

The small pilot program, involving only 500 people, uses fingerprints - but also facial scans to verify online transactions.  But, the program is designed to grow since MasterCard has partnered with every smartphone maker to make this method of verification possible.

How does it work?  A pop-up will ask for authorization after consumers make a purchase. They can choose fingerprint or facial recognition. Users who choose facial recognition have to stare at the phone and blink once.

Why blink?  MasterCard's security researchers believe blinking is the best way to prevent a thief from just holding up a picture of a person and fooling the system.

MasterCard said it does not actually get a picture of the user's finger or face. All fingerprint scans will create a code that stays on the device.

The facial recognition scan will map out a user's face, convert it to 1s and 0s and transmit that over the internet to MasterCard.

And if you think this technology is something out of the Matrix or Mission Impossible, just wait.  MasterCard is also experimenting with voice recognition, so people may be able to simply approve an online transaction by speaking to their phone.

Hackers and identity thieves are smart, but MasterCard seems to be trying hard to ensure the safety and security of its customers’ money.  Up next – a pilot program designed to recognize an individual’s heartbeat.  Stay tuned.

Although this company is not in the line up, EyeVerify may be a great solution for fraud prevention for several reasons.  First off the accuracy is equal to or greater than the fingerprint sensor, it is less expensive than the fingerprint sensor and it is a software only bio-metric.

"EyeVerify Inc. is the creator of Eyeprint ID™ – transforming a picture of your eye into a key that protects your digital life. Eyeprint ID is a highly accurate biometric technology for smart devices that delivers a password-free mobile experience with convenient, secure, private authentication. This patented solution uses the existing cameras on mobile devices to image and pattern match the blood vessels in the whites of the eye."

Eyeprint ID is already being implemented in a handful of Smartphone OEM devices including ZTE, Vivo and ALCATEL ONETOUCH (TCL).   It will be interesting to see how Eyeprint ID competes with Apple Pay"s Touch ID

If you have questions about the services Chosen Payments provides or you have a topic you would like to see covered in my blog, feel free to reach out!

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM
Toll Free: 1.855.424.6736 x. 116  |  |  Twitter: @ChosenPayments

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

“Cowries, Cash & Credit – The History and Future of Payment Processing” Series 4 of 4

The History (and Future) of Payment Processing – Part 4

In part 3 of our “Cowries, Cash & Credit – The History and Future of Payment Processing” series, we took a look at the advancements of payment processing with Apple Pay and Google Wallet.  However, times and technology are ever-changing and there are more products coming to market that promise to be easier, more convenient and safer for both merchants and consumers.  In the last and final part of our series, we will introduce CurrentC, Stratos and Coin and try to explain how all of it works with EMV. 

Both Apple Pay and Google Wallet are promising services, but some retailers nationwide have begun deactivating their payment terminals and encourage the use of their competitive payment system – CurrentC.  As a result, the collateral damage competition between mobile giants could prove frustrating for customers.

Conspicuously absent from Apple’s partner launch lineup a couple years ago were massive retail juggernauts like Walmart and Sears. That’s because these businesses collaborated on a mobile payments solution of their own, available in both platforms’ app stores, called CurrentC. CurrentC uses QR (Quick Response) codes on cashiers’ screen to initiate a transaction with the smartphone, circumventing the iPhone’s locked-down NFC chip. CurrentC requires a linked bank account, and asks for users’ Social Security and driver’s license numbers before adding a payment method. The system allows for the application of discounts or promotional pricing all within the app, and was designed to let retailers avoid margin-cutting credit card fees.

CurrentC is not available yet, and at this time requires an invitation to begin using, but could see an opportunity among smartphone users whose devices don’t include NFC capabilities—namely, older Android phones and iPhones before 6.

Some smartphone users have announced their intention to boycott affected stores, but the real impact of the Apple Pay–CurrentC melee is longer-term. Soon, the decision to shop at one retailer over another might come down to more than location, and might be determined by the smartphone in users’ pockets.

Another option – Stratos, Coin, Plastc

If you want to forgo the worries of the Apple Pay-CurrentCdebacle, you can look at universal credit cards.  We have reviewed some in our previous blogs, but the Stratos card appears to be worth a longer look. 

The founders of Stratos decided in 2012 to raise over$7 million from venture capitalists rather than pursuing crowdfunding cash. And for good reason. This let the company quietly build and develop the technology, brand and marketing. As of today the company and product is relatively unknown and thus doesn’t have the immense public pressure that often plagues crowdfunding gadgets — like one of Stratos’ closest competitor, Coin

The Stratos card ships with a mag-strip reader that snaps into a smartphone’s 3.5mm port. Load the app and swipe your cards to add them to the system. The card’s key information is not transmitted to Stratos’ servers. The only data the company gets is the contact information associated with the card, which they use to fulfill a legal requirement to verify the owner.

Once they scan their cards, owners select three to be accessed directly on the Stratos. When it’s time to select one of their cards from the Stratos, users tap it and press one of the three buttons, which correspond to one of their cards. The Stratos Card can then be swiped like a normal credit card. There are two magnetic strips on the back of the Stratos, which is technology that the company developed to enable the card to work in every type of card reader.

Along with using bank-level encryption, the Stratos Card has proximity alerts built in. Owners can set the card to be disabled if it’s been separated for a set amount of time from the proximity of the owner’s phone.

Stratos is not alone in attempting to build a universal credit card. Below is a side-by-side-by-side comparison of Stratos to Coin and Plastc, a company that promises its card will support Visa, MasterCard and American Express accounts.  Though mobile carriers and phone makers are rolling out usable and (some) successful mobile wallets, it doesn’t hurt to take a look at what is happening in the world of universal credit cards.

Info displayed on card
Last 4 digits of the card, card network and expiration date
16-digit card number, expiration date, issuing bank, card network and your name
Card interaction
Single tap on any card surface and press one of three preset buttons on the card before swiping
Enter unique tapping sequence (must be enabled) and press button to cycle to desired card before swiping
Enter PIN, pick card category and then select card before swiping
# of accounts supported on the card
No (future upgrade)
No (future upgrade)
No (future upgrade)
Battery life
2 years (non-rechargeable)
2 years (non-rechargeable)
30 days (re-chargeable)
$95 every year or $149 every 2 years
$100 per card
$155 per card
When is it available
April 2015
November 2014
Summer 2015

But, how safe are these types of cards?

These cards are extremely new and there are still a lot of kinks to be worked out. Aside from the limited battery life of these cards, you cannot control the Bluetooth capabilities. The company controls all of this, so you cannot turn it off and on yourself. The lock feature that Stratos and Coin both are offering seems like a nice feature to have if you accidentally leave your card behind at a register or restaurant, but it's not clear as to how effective this lock is, nor has either company explained how easy it is to unlock your card once it's retrieved.

Another concern with these cards is the payment method themselves.  This October merchants are required to change their payment systems from magnetic stripe technology to the more secure EMV payment systems. When this transition is made, will the all-in-one payment cards stay behind the times by continuing to use magnetic strips? If they do update to chip-enabled cards, will the company have more glitches to sort out, and will users be required to pay an extra fee to upgrade? The answers for these questions are currently unknown, but these are questions that you should ask yourself and the card company before you sign onto one of these cards.

With so many new electronic and mobile payment options out there now, it's important to do your own thorough research before trusting any of these companies with your financial information. Even trusted companies have been hacked recently, exposing millions of people's personal information, so you can’t just assume your information will be safe with Stratos or Coin. And, in the event any of these companies are breached, it’s not just your name that will be exposed — it’s every item that you provide to these services. So, it could be the equivalent of handing your entire wallet over to a hacker or identity thief. Before you decide to sign up for one of these cards, that’s something you should decide if you want to risk.

If you have questions about the services Chosen Payments provides or you have a topic you would like to see covered in my blog, feel free to reach out!  

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM
Toll Free: 1.855.424.6736 x. 116  |  |  Twitter: @ChosenPayments

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

“Cowries, Cash & Credit – The History and Future of Payment Processing” Series 3 of 4

The History (and Future) of Payment Processing – Part 3

For centuries, humans have been inventing, improving and implementing processes for trade and payments.  We have come a long way from the days of bartering.  In fact, we’ve come a long way in the past 40 years.  More and more, individuals are carrying debit and credit cards and forgoing cash.  While it is more convenient, there are a lot of risks for both the consumer and the merchants.  As we continue advancing payment processes to on-line and mobile options, it’s important to understand the choices and revel in the fact that just five years ago, these opportunities weren’t even a thought.
What is happening in the world of payment processing now?  There are three big inventions in which merchants and consumers alike should take note. 

Apple Pay

Apple is aiming to replace the wallet with Apple Pay.  Apple Pay is Apple's new mobile payments service.  
Introduced in October 2014, Apple Pay is designed to allow iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users in the United States to make payments for goods and services with their iPhones, both in stores and within participating apps, using an NFC chip built into the iPhone 6, the iPhone 6 Plus, and the upcoming Apple Watch.

How does it work?

You must set up Apple Pay, by installing  iOS 8.1and setting up your Apple Passbook.   Once a credit or debit card has been added to your Passbook, Apple Pay is ready to be used in stores and in apps.
In a retail store, when approaching a point-of-sale system compatible with Apple Pay, the screen of the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus will light up and open Passbook automatically, where a user can tap on a credit card to be used or pay with the default card.

A payment is made by holding an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus near a checkout system that includes NFC, most of which look like standard card checkout terminals within stores. A finger registered with Touch ID must be kept on the home button for a short amount of time, after which a payment is authenticated and the transaction is completed. A completed payment is denoted by a slight vibration, a check mark on the screen, and a beep.

To keep transactions secure, Apple uses a method known as "tokenization," preventing actual credit card numbers from being sent over the air. Apple also secures payments using Touch ID in the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, and iPad mini 3.   
And don’t forget about the Apple Watch!  It uses continual skin contact to ensure payments are secure.

Google Wallet

With Google Wallet, you can forget about carrying plastic cards with you at all times. With a simple swipe on your smartphone, the virtual wallet stores your card information and makes it easier to shop online and in stores.

Launched in 2011, Google's payment solution not only makes shopping more efficient, but also allows you to send money to others, take advantage of loyalty programs and more.
To sign up for Google Wallet, you'll need to have a Google account. If you already have a Google account, you can go ahead and add Google Wallet by using your existing name and password. On, click “Sign In” in the top right corner.

Then, set up your Google Wallet by entering your personal and billing information, and click “Accept and create.”

Verifying your identity will allow you to access certain features online at and on the app. These features include activating a free Google Wallet Card with 24/7 fraud monitoring and receiving notifications. Google asks for this information because “financial regulations require that payment providers take steps to verify their customers' identities.”

Your Google Wallet balance is the money stored in your virtual wallet. With this balance, you can send money to others, shop online and make in-store purchases with your Google Wallet Card.
You can add money to your balance from your bank account for free, but to add money from your credit or debit card, there is a flat 2.9% fee.

To use your Google Wallet to make online purchases, just look for the “Buy with Google” button on apps when you checkout. Popular sites that offer this are 1-800 Flowers, Five Guys, Domino's PizzaUber, Toys “R” Us and more. You can also buy from Google Play, Drive, YouTube and other Google properties.

Samsung Pay

Samsung rolled out its Apple Pay response when it unveiled its latest Galaxy smartphones. However, Samsung Pay differs in several key ways from both Apple Pay and Google Wallet.
Powered by the technology it acquired when it bought LoopPay in February 2015, Samsung Pay allows for the same near field communication transactions (NFC) as Google Wallet and Apple Pay. However, Samsung Pay also allows Samsung smartphone Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge users to pay for goods and services through the more ubiquitous magnetic strip payment processing terminals. And since such magnetic strip terminals make up nine of every 10 point of sale terminals, Samsung Pay will enjoy a significant advantage in terms of immediate usability over either Apple Pay or Google Wallet.

The rivalry between Apple Pay, Google Wallet and Samsung Pay essentially ends with a consumer's smartphone purchase decision. Certainly one service's features could help tip the scale of whether a given consumer in the U.S. buys an iPhone or a Galaxy S6 or other Android-based smartphone. It's worth briefly noting that Google Wallet does have an iOS app. However, given the overwhelming popularity of Apple and Samsung Pay, we will more than likely being seeing some updates to the Google Wallet product soon.
Mobile payments are the future, like it or not. So while this budding space continues to take shape, it’s important to keep educated on all services that can be added to the mobile service provider you choose.

The fourth and final part of the “Cowries, Cash & Credit – The History and Future of Payment Processing” series, we take a look at the future of payment processing – CurrentC, Stratos and EMV.

If you have questions about the services Chosen Payments provides or you have a topic you would like to see covered in my blog, feel free to reach out!  

Zach Allen Regional Vice President at Chosen Payments
Credit Card Processing | ACH | Gift/ Loyalty Cards | Mobile & Ecommerce Payments | ATM
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